Our Classrooms

Smart Board

All our classrooms are equipped with the latest technology, using smart boards and interactive televisions that are a great tool for learning.

This amazing technology not only enhances the way teachers teach but also enhances the way students learn. It can provide special needs students with an enriched learning experience by projecting visual elements and varied forms of learning.

It also makes differentiated learning much easier because teachers can accommodate different learning environments.


Multi-Purpose Studio

Our multi-purpose studio, equipped with stage lights and a professional sound system, is a stage set for speech and drama, physical education, dance, sports, and exhibitions. There is endless opportunity for engagement within this space where experiences will be shared, and memories made.

We know that a complete educational experience extends beyond the curriculum and requires educators to provide their special needs students with an exceptional learning environment.

Reading time


In the middle of the Internet and e-generation, where we can find tonnes of information with one single click, we forget and ignore the importance of a library in school. Reading comes alive at Enso with a library full of books where children with disabilities will be required to borrow books, read, and review them as part of their evaluations.

Life skills

Vocational Room

In the Vocational room, special needs students are given a variety of tasks to learn. The goal of this class is to have the students working on different skills that they will need in life such as self-care, home care, money management, organisational skills, creating grocery lists, packaging groceries, etc.

These tasks work on different skills such as Collating, Assembling, Sorting, Packaging and Job applications. Each skill has multiple tasks and multiple levels within.



The use of ICT in class is essential in enabling students with Special Educational Needs to gain access to the curriculum. ICT promotes greater independence by enabling special needs students to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing.