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Enso's EIP

Who is it for?

Enso Early Intervention Program caters for children between 3 to 7 years old with a variety of backgrounds, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, who are in need and exhibiting some of the signs of learning difficulties, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia and Global Development Delay (GDD) and more.

We offer a quality individualised early intervention programme that identifies and provides specialised services and effective support to children who need extra support to develop their language and communication skills, improve their sensory integration, enhance their fine and gross motor skills, engage in pre-academics, and develop social skills.

Why ENSO Early Intervention Programme

Small therapist : Student ratio

Enso offers a safe space with a small therapist-student ratio to maximise learning opportunities for your child to thrive. Our goal is to build a strong foundation with unique learning to help children cope within the mainstream school setting.

Collaborative effort

It takes a village to raise a child!

Here at Enso, we work closely with parents, caregivers and other professionals to assist our students to achieve their full potential. Communication between the therapist and family is crucial for the success of the program. We believe that by working hand-in-hand with the family, we are able to provide the best possible care and support for the children not only in school but also at home.

Mainstream integration

gradual integration by working on all school readiness pre-requisites skills first such as waiting, tolerating change, sitting, cooperation, writing etc

Methods & approach

ENSO Early intervention begins with a team evaluation to identify your child's needs, goals and objectives. Each student’s IEP is unique and lays out the roadmap for their education journey, providing support, modifications, and accommodations that allow the student to achieve the most success possible in the school setting. Depending on a child’s developmental outcomes and goals, a combination of individualised one-to-one time with an EIP therapist is incorporated during these sessions.
We use classroom-based curriculum model where teachers customise instructions to meet the learning needs of neurodivergent students based on 3 main principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Representation, Engagement , Action & Expression.